AA 2017-09

Policy Code: AA 2017-09

Status: Active

Supersedes: PM 78-17; AA 2017-08

Resolution: EPC 16-16

Area: Undergraduate Studies

Origination: 08/22/2017

Effective: 08/22/2017

Last Revised: 08/22/2017

Next Review: 08/22/2025

Credit by Examination for Undergraduates

General Conditions for Students

1.0 A registered student may receive credit-by-examination for courses in which he/she is eligible to enroll.

2.0 Credit-by-examination will not be given for course work which an academic department deems inappropriate or impossible to evaluate.

3.0 The student should contact the office of the appropriate department to initiate the procedure before the first day of classes.

4.0 The student will secure a “Credit-by-Examination” petition from Admissions and Records and obtain the signature of an appropriate and willing instructor and the Department Chair.

5.0 Per the policies applicable to regular course enrollment, the student will select a traditional letter grade or Credit (CR)/ No Credit (NC) option as the course grade.

6.0 The same course can only be taken once for credit-by-examination.

7.0 Repeat and cancel rules apply.

8.0 Credit-by-examination will not be given to for a course if the student has already received credit for a similar but more advanced course fulfilling the same general education or statutory requirements.

9.0 The course grade will appear on the student's record with the other grades for the semester with a designation that the student completed the course by examination.

10.0 Successful students will receive unit credit in keeping with the units associated with the regular course.

General Conditions for Departments

11.0 Each department will maintain an up-to-date listing of courses that qualify for Credit-by- Examination.

12.0 These courses should be published in the Campus Catalogue and on the University website.

13.0 Departments will create their testing processes and can negotiate with the University Advising and Testing Center to aid in administering the exam.

14.0 Departments should determine appropriate testing fees for the administration and grading of exams.

14.1 Each department will be responsible for having the appropriate account established to which the department will deposit these funds.

15.0 Department Chairs will assign the exam to the appropriate instructor.

16.0 The instructor must administer and grade the exam within a semester.

17.0 The instructor will:

17.1 Set the appropriate time and place to conduct the exam.

16.3 Conduct the test within two (2) of the start of the semester.

16.4 Grade the exam within one (1) week after proctoring to the student.

16.5 Grade the exam and submit the results to the Registrar’s Office.

Procedure for Courses Listed in Class Schedule

17.0 The student secures a petition for Credit-by-Examination Admissions and Records and obtains the signature of the instructor and the Department Chair before the beginning of the semester.

18.0 If the request is approved, the will student enroll in the course during registration and is given the examination during the first two (2) weeks of the semester.

19.0 The student is notified of the results of the exam during the third (3) week of the semester.

20.0 If the student passes the test, the instructor must submit the grade to the Registrar’s Office by the end of the third (3) week of the semester.

21.0 The student's name will remain on the roster, and the grade will appear on the semester grade report.

22.0 If the student fails the exam, then the student has two (2) options:

22.1 Remain enrolled in the course and complete it according to standard procedures; or

22.2 Officially drop the class before the census date (end of the third week)

23.0 The course grade will appear on the student's Permanent Record Card (PRC) with the other grades for the semester with a designation that the student completed the course by examination.

Procedure for Courses Not Listed in Class Schedule

24.0 The student secures a petition for credit-by-examination from the appropriate department office and obtains the signature of an appropriate and willing instructor and department chair

Procedures for Distance Courses

25.0 Departments will develop Credit-by-Examination schedules that allow ample time to find and approves proctors, as well as transmit examinations, within a semester, including deadlines for postmarked examinations and testing dates. Information on selecting proctors can be found on the Toro Learning and Testing Center website (http://www4.gregorybgallagher.com/testing-center/gwar/distance-gwe/).

26.0 Departments will provide detailed information to proctors regarding their role in the examination process

27.0 Students must submit written notification to the department indicating the proctor’s name, position and contact information.

28.0 Students will contact their proctors to schedule their examination date within the allotted time as determined by the department.

29.0 Completed tests must be emailed out by the proctor and must be postmarked by the deadlines as indicated on the challenge exam calendar provided by the department.

No graduate student may receive credit by examination in a course used to satisfy the requirements for the master’s degree.

Approved: Dr. Michael E. Spagna, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs  

Date: 11/20/2017

All Revision & Review Approved Dates

Supersedes PM 78-17; AA 2017-08.

Attachments and Links

Information on selecting proctors on Toro Learning and Testing Center website.



Approved Signatures


Approved: Michael E. Spagna, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Date: 11/20/2017

Area Manager/Owner

Approved: Undergraduate Studies

Date: N/A

Older Version Approval Signatures

Approved: N/A

Date: N/A